Partner David Leach Honored for Leadership & Contributions in Material Science

Partner David Leach was recently honored by SAMPE (The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering) as a distinguished Fellow for 2022. He was presented with the award, one of the organization’s most prestigious, at the annual CAMX (Composites and Materials Expo) conference in October.
Leading up to the event, SAMPE compiled a video on David’s career in thermoplastic composites development which was shown at the awards ceremony. David has over 30 years’ experience in polymers, composites, and adhesives, in particular thermoplastic composites for aerospace and high-performance applications. Some of his professional achievements include authoring three book chapters and over 40 technical papers, and in addition to being a SAMPE Fellow, he is a Fellow of the UK Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, and a Chartered Physicist.
Watch the video below to learn more about David’s remarkable career: