Lakeside Welcomes Two Additional Associate Partners

Pat Jones of ATC Manufacturing and Tyler Haug of Architerra have both joined Lakeside as Associate Partners. Both Pat and Tyler bring decades of experience in their respective fields and are vital to Lakeside’s success in their roles at Architerra and ATC.
Pat brings a deep knowledge of thermoplastic composite parts (TPC) manufacturing for the aerospace industry. He has been optimizing TPC production for over 30 years, in roles ranging from IE analyst to shop floor management, lean manufacturing leadership, and more. He currently oversees all of ATC Manufacturing’s production of thermoplastic composite parts. He can see his full bio here.
Tyler successfully build and led Selkirk Construction, a regionally recognized custom home builder in Hayden, Idaho. He brings extensive operational, construction, and business leadership experience to Architerra, where he now helms business operations. His responsibilities include strategic planning, development, and growth of Architerra. You can see Tyler’s full profile here.